Friday, March 10, 2006

Does God give you any responsibility

Thank you Micah for forwarding me a document about "Vision from God" (異象). I always feel this is an interesting topic. Vision!? Do you really see something? I remember during the retreat in 2003, the Pastor told us he had a vision from God when he was a student, then he decided to become a servant of God. I asked him what was the "Vision" looked like, then he spend some times to explain to me.

In Micah's document, there is a question that cause me some serious thinking, which is as shown in the title: 神有沒有放一些 “負擔” 在您的心上呢?

Is there any for me!? I think there seems to be one. Probably not a big deal for other Christian. For me it doesn't look like an easy task in near future, still working on it ...


Anonymous said...

Do you want to share your 負擔 in Christ with us?

Sammy Cafe said...

Hi 米迦, good question. It is to lead my wife and daughter to become good Christian. It is a bit diffuclt because I am not a good example.