Saturday, April 01, 2006

Guess who?

"It is fascinating. In the West, you have bigger homes, yet smaller families; you have endless conveniences -- yet you never seem to have any time. You can travel anywhere in the world, yet you don't bother to cross the road to meet your neighbours," he said.

Do you think the above words are quite meaningful? Can you guess who say that?

Dalai Lama.

I am not a big fan of Dalia Lama but sometimes I feel what he says is quite insightful. Now as usual I have a question: Is it OK for a Christian to like words from other religious figure?

1 comment:

Alvin said...

There are many wise people and they have insights into things we often failure to see. It's not a conflict to agree or even appreciate their words of wisdom as long as it doesn't conflict with the Bible and it doesn't make Jesus less in your heart. Just like how we treat all the good things in the world.