Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Burn in Hell

The Bible says, for those don't accept Jesus Christ. When they die, they go to Hell, get burn by fire and suffer forever.

As a Christian, or just a normal human being, it is hard to even think about such punishment. It is too cruel isn't it. How could God apply such torture to HIS creatures? This leads me to think:
a) It is not really like that, the Bible just to scare you
b) It is true

If the answer is b), then I have these thought:
A) Ugh! It hurts.
B) Even the worst criminal don't get such punishment in this society. Is our punishment too light or God's punishment too heavy?
C) For those Christmas who are singing and dancing in Heaven. When they see their non-believer friends and relatives get burn, how could it be possible for them to still have joy up there?

Well, don't mean to question God's authority. HE has all the right. But I just feel the "get burn forever" situation not really making sense based on my limited understanding with Bible.


Anonymous said...

Hey, in my belief, the purpose of the Hell was not originally created for us humans... it was for the punishment of those angels who have fallen with Satan to become evil spirits.......

It's not designed for us!!!
That's a place for the evil spirits to be kept and punished...

It's only when we human say "I don't like the idea of Heaven",
It's only when we human CHOOSE to FOLLOW the evil's kingdom, that we CHOOSE to WORSHIP the evil's kingdom, that we CHOOSE to be acknowledged with the "nationality" of the evil's kingdom... we then become "the evil's kingdom" people instead of
"God's kingdom" people...

In such a way, out "nationality" changed from Heaven to Hell.

In other words, we CHOSE to get immigrated to the evils' place - Hell - which was not supposed for us humans to live in.

Does this get you solve some of the queries of why God is so cruel to create hell? =)

Sammy Cafe said...

Thanks for your answer. It solves most of my question already. I would like to invite you to join as a writer in this blog. Perhaps you can share some thought or just put a link to your blog sometimes. I will ask the blog owner (Felix) to send you an blog invitation soon.

Anonymous said...

Sammy cafe,
Wow, my pleasure! =D
Thanks for your invitation...
If I can be of help, it'd be my pleasure~~